George Webster Memorial State Scholarship Program

Scholarship Rules and Regulations
The Fraternal Order of Police George Webster Memorial State Scholarship Program consists of a variety of scholarships awarded by the Florida State Lodge. The monetary awards range from $500 to a four-year renewable scholarship of $2,000.
The Renewable Scholarship will be awarded to one qualified recipient entering their freshman year of college and will be renewed an additional three (3) years. The recipient must submit a new application each year to continue receiving the award. All additional scholarships are for one academic year. The recipients of these scholarships may re-apply the following year for other scholarships.
The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of scholastic achievement, academic schedule, community involvement, and prior work history. The Scholarship Committee will review applications and announce the winners at the February Florida State Board Meeting. A list of the winners shall also be posted on the Florida State website. The awards will be distributed to Lodge Presidents at the Annual June Conference.
The recipient must be the son, daughter, grandson, or granddaughter of an active member in good standing, at the time of application, of a local FOP lodge in the State of Florida.
The applicant must meet all requirements to enter and attend a college or university have and maintain an overall 2.50 grade point average during each semester. The applicant must be accepted to or enrolled in an accredited college or university.
The applicant must have the Declaration Form notarized. The applicant must obtain certification, on the Declaration Form, from the Local FOP Lodge verifying that the applicant is the son, daughter, grandson, or granddaughter of a member in good standing.
The applicant must submit their application via the Florida State FOP’s website by January 17, 2025 at 5:00pm Eastern time. The Scholarship committee will not accept applications received after the deadline.
Any deviation from the applicant’s original application is subject to review by the scholarship committee. The Scholarship Committee’s decision will be final. These rules are subject to revision each year, as provided by the Florida State Lodge Constitution and By-Laws and scholarship policies.
Steps to complete your application:
- Complete the following essay: In 500 words or less, tell us about yourself and include (if applicable) school and community activities in which you have participated. List any offices or positions held, any special recognition received while participating in school, and include community activities. Describe your future goals for after completing college.
- Obtain a copy of your latest high school or college transcript.
- Complete the Declaration page by having the local FOP certify current membership, complete the declaration section in front of a notary, and have the form notarized.
- Submit your application here*.